
Uncovering Procurement Excellence

A definitive to solve your procurement issues






How cloud ERP solutions can transform your business digitally?

Businesses must keep up with the rapidly evolving technological innovations in order to survive the increasingly competitive pressures. The digitalization of your firm's various processes is essential to its success. 


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is capable of organizing and unifying your company's day-to-day operations. The numerous processes are streamlined and automated, enabling efficient operation across many functions including procurement, inventory management, asset management, sales management, etc. It has emerged as a critical component to efficiency enabler and business expansion strategies.


Cloud ERP:

Cloud ERP solutions that run on a vendor's cloud platform rather than an on-premises network allow businesses to use them online. ERP software helps with procurement, manufacturing, distribution, and fulfillment by integrating and automating key financial and operational company processes. Businesses use the software online, so all they need is an internet and a browser.

On-premise ERP:

On-premise ERP describes a company's choice to purchase different components of ERP software internally and manage it on-site as opposed to ordering it for distribution over the Internet or utilizing vendor-supplied, hosted ERP solutions.

Hybrid ERP:

Hybrid ERP approaches a mix of on-premises and cloud-based versions of the software. This two-tiered strategy enables businesses to keep what works while also adjusting to the ever-changing app market trends.


Although they differ in many aspects, on-premises and cloud ERP benefits often serve the same essential business processes. These variations have major implications for your company. These are some of the key places where they both are different:

Cost: With on-premises ERP, you must invest significantly up front in hardware and software licenses, as well as devote resources and time for the installation and maintenance of the system. In contrast, cloud based ERP is typically offered as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), where you only pay for the services, you actually utilize.

Deployment speed: Since no IT infrastructure needs to be installed, cloud ERP solutions deployments are typically quicker.

Technical expertise: On-premises ERP often requires trained IT personnel to install, manage, and update the system. You can manage and update the system automatically with cloud ERP.

Usability: Cloud ERP solutions frequently require minimal training and is simpler to use.

Scalability: Both on-premises ERP and cloud ERP can typically grow to handle more users as your business expands. However, cloud ERP solutions make scalability simpler because you can just add more subscribers. You might have to install more robust gear if you use on-premises ERP.

Capabilities and personalization: Both on-premises and cloud ERP solutions are typically tailored to meet your business needs. But because certain on-premises ERP systems have been around for a while, they have amassed very large feature sets and are also very adaptable.

Latest features: You can start using new features as soon as businesses quickly integrate them into cloud ERP solutions. On-premises ERP upgrades take longer because each new release requires installation. On-premises ERP customization is a two-edged sword, according to organizations: If you have heavily customized the software, updating to new releases may be quite challenging.

Control: An on-premises ERP system can be a better option if you require complete control over your data's location and software's functionality.


  1. Procurement-to-pay software - You can simplify the procurement to payment process by streamlining each stage with a single software. 
  2. Vendor management -You can manage and work together with your vendors by keeping an eye on them using a reliable, automated platform.
  3. Manufacturing ERP - Youcan utilize a manufacturing ERP system to automate your production and increase flexibility and productivity.
  4. Inventory management - You can use our cloud-based inventory management module to remotely control inventory and guarantee optimal supply.
  5. Sales order management - You can use a sales order management software to streamline and automate your order-to-cash procedures.
  6. Invoice management - You can use the Invoice management software to reduce the responsibilities of billing.
  7. Project management - You can organize your projects and tasks effectively based on their requirements and deliverables.
  8. Asset management - You need to implement a complete, feature-rich solution for tracking all of your assets in real time.


1. Streamlined processes:

The components of ERP ensure increased efficiency by consolidating the various processes needed to manage a business in one platform. Data is no longer dispersed across various platforms but is now conveniently available on just one.

2. Operational cost reduction:

With different types of ERP, many laborious and time-consuming operations can be automated. This lessens the possibility of manual errors, eliminates redundancy, etc., and guarantees the efficient completion of previously tedious operations. Think about the task of monitoring inventories, for instance. Here, the inventory management is automated by the procurement function, doing away with all manual inventory management tasks. It assists the company in lowering labour costs while ensuring improved accuracy.

3. Improved productivity:

Greater productivity is the result of coordination and integration. Better communication and collaboration between diverse functions are made possible by an ERP. Since all the data from different departments will be on one platform, there will be more opportunities for employee collaboration and teamwork.

4. Data confidentiality and security:

Cloud ERP Solutions offer top-notch security mechanisms to guarantee there are no security vulnerabilities. Only those who are authorised will be allowed to see confidential data thanks to role-based access. The department leaders can easily grant access to different staff based on their position within the company.

5. Reports and evaluation:

Cloud ERP solutions offers thorough reports that let users create accurate estimates. ERP's powerful filters remove data inconsistencies by producing comprehensive and consistent real-time reports. It enables the decision-makers to make better-informed decisions.

6. Flexibility:

Perhaps the most appealing feature of an ERP is its sturdy, flexible nature. It is easily adaptable to the particular requirements of your business. It isn't a one-size-fits-all solution; rather, it has the flexibility to change as your company expands to meet its needs. Customizable ERP is essential in today's market to meet your business needs.

7. Customer success:

Cloud ERP Solutions assist businesses in maintaining easily accessible and updated customer data. This enables the staff to better understand your clients' needs and assist them when necessary. Running your business with outdated techniques can only impede its development.

8. Remote Access:

Cloud ERP is accessible from any location, at any time, and from any device. This ensures that the operation is continuous. It is essential to make sure that you are always linked to the cloud and that you can access all of your data without relying on specific physical locations in the uncertain current environment. Cloud ERP Software is extremely useful during difficult times.


Here are a few benefits of using a cloud ERP software:

  1. Cloud ERP solutions  enables quick, simple, and more affordable transition compared to out-of-date systems.
  2. Cloud software is a game-changer for tracking staff productivity while easing the pressure of completing time-consuming tedious tasks.
  3. Due to the fact that cloud-based solutions are not reliant on your internal infrastructure, employees can use the system whenever they need to from wherever they are.
  4. Cloud-based software easily integrates with various tools to promote quick technological integration. This enables you to integrate data from other systems into your ERP giving you thorough, accurate, and current picture of your company's data.
  5. With cloud-based ERP, you always have access to the most up-to-date version without having to pay more or halt production for an installation.
  6. A cloud platform eliminates the need to audit internal software. The dreadful audit notification letters are never something you have to be concerned about receiving.

The use of cutting-edge solutions, like cloud ERP solution, will undoubtedly result in the company's operating more productively and profitably. However, it's as crucial to pick the appropriate ERP for your requirements. One of the most cost-effective options now on the market is TYASuite Plug and Play cloud ERP, which offers the versatility of auto-scaling as your business expands and reasonable costs. The multi-industry software can be installed to go live in your firm in only a few days and can simply fit into your business operations.

Feb 24, 2023| 9 min read| views 347 Read More




Emerging Trends In Procurement In 2023- You Should Know

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The Ultimate Guide To Procurement Transformation

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A Complete Guide to Recurring Invoice for Businesses

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How To Measure And Maximize Procurement ROI In 2023?

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The ultimate source to pay (S2P) process guide for 2023

Procurement in any business has a direct influence on the overall savings. A streamlined procurement procedure makes it feasible to buy high-quality products at affordable prices. The procurement source-to-pay process includes steps including vendor evaluation, contracting, supplier identification, and payment for products provided. 

What is Source to pay?

The source to pay process (S2P) comprises of all the procurement tasks that involve the vendor and the organization. The initial phase in the source-to-pay process is choosing the best supplier, and the final step is paying the provider. The entire sourcing and procurement process for identifying, assessing, and negotiating with suppliers of goods or services, finalizing contracts with vendor payment, is another way to define the source to pay concept.

The source-to-pay process involves tactical procurement tasks like spending assessment, purchasing, contract management, and supplier management as well as concluding tasks like purchase order processing, electronic procurement, accounts payable, invoice automation, and payment processes.

When is a source-to-pay system used by a company?

A source-to-pay system might be helpful for organizations that need to evaluate new vendors who offer better purchasing terms, lower costs, or new commodities that are not supplied by existing vendors.

What are the advantages of a source-to-pay system for your business?

The benefits of a source-to-pay system are:

  1. Centralizes the whole supply chain to increase the efficiency of procurement

  2. Creates a single sourcing platform that combines key procurement processes

  3. Promotes adherence to regulations, contracts, and procedures

  4. Aids in improving the consistency and accuracy of business forecasting

  5. Facilitates accurate expenditure analysis

  6. Collaboration between suppliers and businesses is improved

  7. Assesses supplier performance against standards and benchmarks such as pricing, deliveries, invoicing cycle time and other crucial performance indicators.

A streamlined source-to-pay procedure improves spending and procurement visibility. Source to Pay combines purchases across business units rather than treating procurement as a collection of unrelated jobs in order to boost performance, create business value, and enhance expenditure analysis.

Standard Source to Pay process flow

source to pay processs

Source-to-pay process can be laborious and time-consuming without a sound plan. The source-to-pay life cycle includes the processes listed below:

1) Discovering Suppliers:

Finding potential suppliers is the first phase in the S2P lifecycle. Researching the market extensively is necessary to select the ideal supplier. The sourcing team members will send out the RFIs (requests for information), RFPs (requests for proposals), and probably RFQs (requests for quotes) to prospective vendors. Some businesses utilise templates to quickly collect vendor information. E-auctions are a commonly used strategy that sourcing teams use to find the greatest prices on products and raw materials. E-auctioning is a more efficient way to find reputable and cost-effective vendors.

2) Evaluation and Screening of Vendors:

The RFX vendor data and the e-auction results aid the sourcing team in screening the vendors to identify good matches. Finding the right balance between product affordability and making a profit is the key to effective sourcing. For the business to turn a profit, the raw materials must be affordable. Suppliers are assessed based on their pricing, minimum order quantities, delivery timeframes, and other criteria in addition to their quality. Negotiations happens once the sourcing team selects the ideal buyer.

3) Contracting and Negotiating:

The sourcing team may choose to work with only two or three vendors after analysing the vendor information from multiple vendors. The goal of the contracting and negotiation process is to select the best provider. Businesses are constantly looking for methods to keep production costs low throughout the supply chain, and the ideal place to do so is during the sourcing stage. Purchasing costs for goods can be significantly reduced when larger quantities are sourced. Contracts must be issued after a specific price and order volume evaluation.

4) Purchase Order:

According to the agreed upon cost and quantity of the items, the purchase order is issued. The purchase order becomes a legal document once the vendor accepts it. It includes every clause of the agreement between the business and the vendor.

5) Products Delivery and Payment:

This completes the source-to-pay procedure. To guarantee that the received items are in accordance with the purchase order, the information in the goods received note is compared to that in the PO. At this point, the quality of the received goods is also examined. Payment to the seller is processed once the verification is finished. As per the business requirements, a shipping and payment process is set up to make sure verification and on-time payment and delivery. The timely delivery of raw materials and the continuity of production operations are ensured by adhering to a delivery and payment schedule.

The complete source-to-pay process can be efficiently automated with cloud procurement software, which saves time as well as effort. An extensive range of functions is provided by a source-to-pay software throughout the procurement cycle.

Automating the Source to Pay Cycle

Nearly half of the source-to-pay process might be efficiently automated using current technologies. By removing duplication and redundancy, the numerous source-to-pay products on the market are intended to streamline the source-to-pay process. The S2P solutions contribute to higher savings, lower prices, and more chances to investigate new value-add sources. As per the McKinsey reports, digitizing the source-to-pay process can decrease spending by almost 3.5%. The scope for automating the complete source-to-pay procedure is about 56% of the tasks in the workflow.

The more transactional aspects of the S2P process, especially the placing and receiving of orders, were determined to have the greatest potential for automation. Around 88% of the tasks can be digitized and about 93% of the activities in payment processing. Additionally, 47% of the supplier selection workflow and negotiation activities can be automated.

An important business decision is selecting the appropriate automation technologies for the source-to-contract process flow.

The first and most crucial step for businesses is to decide which processes of the procurement process can be completely automated. For each task in the source-to-pay process, it is important to determine the level of automation that is currently in place and to correlate it to what is technically feasible. The team can calculate the benefit of bridging this gap. The analysis is based on changes in compliance, cycle durations, and payment conditions at each step, as well as the number of tasks that can be automated. Businesses that are considering automation should make careful and targeted decisions on using the right technology for digitising the S2P workflow because the digital world is always changing.


Dec 15, 2022 | 7 min read | views 657 Read More


The Truth About Inventory Management Challenges You Should Know

Most of the organization strives to be a reliable business for their customers, which can only be achieved by delivering quality products on time. Efficient inventory management allows you to meet rising demand while also increasing your credibility.
However, firms fail to keep up with stock requirements and inventory analysis. These inventory management challenges can severely disrupt business functioning, so let’s discuss some of them and how we can solve them with a robust inventory management software

Why is inventory management a challenge?

Inventory management checks are labor-intensive and cover numerous steps, including buying, packing, picking, and shipping. The biggest challenge is completing all these functions efficiently and ensuring on-time delivery.

Here are some common inventory management challenges:


Handling inventory can be an overwhelming task. The process, if not executed strategically, can impact your business negatively. These are the inventory management challenges to watch out for.

  • Unreliable tracking:

Following manual inventory tracking processes can be time-consuming, unnecessary, and prone to errors. All businesses can utilize a central inventory tracking system. You need to shift to an
inventory tracking software that offers automation right from ordering to procurement. It provides a single, cloud-based database for accurate inventory insights and data capture.

  • Monitoring warehouse performance:

Inventory management is a prolonged continuous process. Measuring warehouse performance KPIs such as stocks, inventory turnover, customer success rate, and order delivery can be faulty as manual methods are used, leading to inefficiencies. Thus, integrating an inventory management system makes the entire process transparent and makes evaluating performance easier.

  • Erroneous data:

You have to keep track of the stocks you have at your disposal. Regular manual stock auditing workflows lead to human errors and wrong data. Firms need to implement inventory management systems that provide updated and accurate data, enabling improved cash flow. Automating audits helps schedule inventory functions and generate precise financial information.

  • Varying customer demands:

We are aware that customer needs are constantly changing with time. Not having a structured process leads to scenarios where you have bulk stocks that you cannot sell, as well as insufficient stocks. You must develop an inventory plan that can accommodate changing customer demands. With TYASuite inventory management software, you can forecast demand and setup orders as per changing customer inclinations, stock availability, and other trends.

  • Inadequate Visibility:

When businesses lack inventory clarity, it leads to delayed and incomplete distribution. Maintaining your inventory with sufficient stocks and efficient delivery increases your customer success rate, which can be achieved with an advanced inventory software. Enhance the complete process with automated functions across all teams, right from receiving stocks, accuracy and preventing data loss.

  • Labor-intensive Documentation:

Inventory issues are exacerbated by the use of paper-based manual processes that are insecure and monotonous. Staff performance cannot be analyzed with these methods, but using the right inventory automation system facilitates overall productivity. Inventory software helps automate manual inventory data capture and offer paperless transactions.

  • Supply Chain Complications:

Another inventory management challenge that can be a burden for businesses is the changing nature of supply chains. Adjusting to these challenges can be hard, but with a flexible inventory process, you can track supplier information, detect errors, and prevent delayed delivery. With the support of inventory management software, you can even measure vendor performance, identify supply chain issues, and reduce complication.

  • Excess stocks:

Storing excess stock due to inaccurate information can impact the business's finances, leading to overspending and inefficiency. Using inventory management software prevents inventory management challenges such as manual errors, data loss, and unnecessary cash flow.

  • Inaccurate stock planning:

Warehouse stock planning is crucial for reducing delayed distribution and inaccuracy. Implementing inventory management systems with simple interfaces displaying real-time data helps bridge the gap between what stocks is needed and what is not.

  • Poor Communication:

For the proper functioning of any inventory process, communication and coordination are essential. Using a warehouse management system aids in tracking and controlling inventories. Make the most of the various benefits, such as tracking inventory alerts, monitoring warehouse locations, and receiving delivered inventory. When you can obtain all of this information from a single source, you can ensure faster approvals and better coordination across all teams.

  • Incompetent Processes:

Manual inventory management processes make execution faulty and inefficient. Using the right inventory management system helps scale up the time-consuming tasks by shortening the span of time spent on each task with automation.

  • Productivity automation:

Managing inventory problems can only be done effectively with an inventory system that is easy to access at all times. With cloud-based inventory software, you can control stocks and enhance overall warehouse productivity.


A robust inventory management software automates workflows, improves inventory performance, and boosts customer success rates. TYASuite inventory management helps overcome these common inventory management challenges. You can easily monitor inventory across various locations, manage orders, estimate customer demands, and plan stock distribution without having to deal with unwanted obstacles.

Nov 22, 2022 | 5 min read | views 379 Read More


Top 17 Inventory Management Benefits To Look For In 2022

Inventory management or inventory control is the process of monitoring the warehouse of a business to ensure that the stock is being used at the optimum level and is managed well. An inventory management software manages the following:

  1. Stock from the time it is ordered
  2.  Movement of the stock within a warehouse to multiple warehouses
  3.  Status of the stock till it reaches its destination or disposal

In this blog post, we will throw light on the benefits and key features of the inventory management. 
So without any delay, let’s get started!
Before we walk you through, let’s understand the importance of inventory management. 

Why Is Inventory Management Important?

Inventory management allows you to track the status of your stock levels across all your warehouse locations across all the inventory phases. With the right inventory management, you can ensure that you never run out of a product and also prevent overstocking of a particular product. 
On top of that, it also helps you understand the demand to prepare a strategy to process more orders quickly. Additionally, inventory management benefits and prevents overselling and can help you improve the reputation of your organization. There are multiple ways by which the inventory management benefits your business.

Why Do You Need an Inventory Management System?

Proper inventory management improves the operational efficiency and allows you to perform the following operations:

  1. Track the status of your stock
  2. Streamline different processes
  3. Inventory forecasting & planning

Here are the benefits of inventory management for your organization:

Automated Inventory Management

One of the biggest benefits of inventory management is to automate multiple operations and processes. Automation eliminates human error, saves time, and decreases the probability of mistakes. An automation system is capable of executing repetitive tasks with little assistance once you have set up some rules.
Automated inventory management enables you to have real-time visibility of your inventory levels. This feature plays a vital role in accurate forecasting and delivers a unique customer experience. It offers you real-time insights into where your stock is particularly in different locations such as a physical store or a warehouse with multiple sales channels.

Inventory Forecasting

Accurate demand forecasting helps you to keep up with the demand. Seasonal data can also be utilized to understand any changing patterns that require adjustments in stock at different times of the year. The inventory management helps you with accurate inventory forecasting to streamline order volumes.

Helps Prevent Overselling & Stock-Outs

Overselling is one of the biggest issues for growing eCommerce businesses and startups. In case you do not have supervision on your inventory, you might run out of stocks. Such a scenario is called stock-out. Stock-outs not only prevent your customers from returning to your business, but also suspend your business from entering certain marketplaces.
Inventory management process manages all your orders across all your sales channels and helps prevent stock-outs. With the right inventory management, you can easily replenish your stock and track them easily.

Reduces Your Business Costs

An advanced inventory management report tells you what you have in stock. This helps in managing your warehouse so you do not waste time looking for inventory that is not available at your warehouse. 

The inventory management saves your time and streamlines the following processes:

  1.  Picking 
  2.  Packing
  3.  Shipping

With accurate data and insights, you can have a clear idea of the products your customers are interested in. Focusing on the products your customers are buying is a great way to cut down eCommerce costs.

Inventory Planning & Forecasting

Information management and accurate reporting are two key pillars to successfully running and growing a business. The inventory management process integrates with multiple marketplaces and sales channels. Such a system also smoothens shipping and third-party logistics (3PL) processes with real-time visibility across your organization. 

This further allows you to improve your business and reduces wastage in different costs including:

  1. Unsold stock
  2. Unwanted stock
  3. Stock in the wrong locations

Improved Supply Chain Operations

Supply chain management involves tons of challenges. With the integrated inventory management system in place, different eCommerce businesses and retailers can efficiently prepare and incorporate a supply chain management. 
The more suppliers you have, the more you can narrow down the wait-time if a particular supplier cannot deliver on the deadline. You can prepare yourself for the next phase of your business-like peak season to order the right amount of stock from a supplier and prevent any order management issues.

Adding New Sales Channels

Ever wanted to try a new sales channel to list your products? An inventory management system smoothens the process of adding new sales channels and centralizes your inventory. With such a system in place, you can track the efficiency of your inventory in different locations. 
Inventory Synchronization and Forecasting are two key factors that help maintain your inventory control and allow you to sell your stock in multiple locations at once.

Establishes PAR Levels

PAR levels or Periodic Automatic Replenishment levels allow you to set an amount of inventory that should be available at all times. You should replenish your stock control when they reach these levels.
This allows you to balance and maintain the standard demand rate for specific items. The Periodic Automatic Replenishment level of an individual item varies but you can find out the accurate level using your average daily sales volume, the lead time and safety stock number for each product.

ABC Analysis

The demand for different products might not be the same and is unevenly distributed between your stock. ABC analysis enables you to streamline this uneven distribution by categorizing your products into three categories (A, B, C) based on the following parameters:

  1. Demand
  2. Supply
  3. Value
  4. Costs

Bifurcating your stock enables you to prioritize ordering specific items you have shortlisted.
So that is how inventory management benefits your business. Let’s now check out some key features you should expect in the inventory management for your business.

Key Features Of An Inventory Management System

key features of inventory management system

Do you want to harness the power of the inventory management for your business? Are you facing problems related to increasing costs, low profitability, and efficiency issues?
Here are some features and benefits of inventory management to look out for in 2022.

Real-Time Tracking

  1. Reflecting the status of the inbounds goods as soon as they are scanned at the warehouse
  2. Managing your warehouse transfers
  3. Eliminating the new assembly runs if the components were used in different operations
  4. Tracking the consignment stock even if it is in a different store
  5. Stock control

Real-Time Inventory Value

An inventory management process stays updated in real-time as per your accounting software. With such a system, you have access to:

  1. Exact inventory values that are responsible for the volume and prices of your purchases
  2. Multi-currency support for your vendors and buyers worldwide
  3. A perfect line-view of your inventory according to different geographies
  4. Ability to efficiently track the production wastage and courier fees
  5. The ability to create product listings to offer a detailed view of your COGs (Cost Of Goods sold)
  6. Ability to have profit margins on your products according to the sales channel and its location

Alerting Systems For Low Stocks

Sometimes you might not know the exact amount of stock you have. In such a case, a powerful inventory management needs to set automatic low stock alerts when a particular stock is running low. 
This gives you the insights and time frame to procure that stock or generate a purchase order for that particular stock. You need to prepare a reorder report that lists everything so you can manage your stock control.

Supplier & Purchase Management

With a proper inventory management tool, you have access to control your purchasing. Keep in mind that you should not waste time in transferring your inventory data into your purchasing process. The right inventory management allows you to:

  1. Generate and fill your orders automatically
  2. Store all your supplier orders and details
  3. Generate quantity discounts for your suppliers for optimal purchasing
  4. Check the transaction history of your suppliers
  5. Receipt an order if your goods are scattered

Proper Reporting

Getting a fancy inventory management is meaningless if you have to manually extract all the data every month. The main benefit of inventory management is to reduce the admin operations and streamline automation.

Here is what to expect from an inventory management software for your business:

  1. Margins
  2. Unit sales
  3. Stock control
  4. Backorder rate
  5. Inventory turnover rate
  6. Average number of days to sell for each SKU

Bills Of Management (BOM)

Bills Of Management are the elements that define the uniqueness of an assembled product. If your inventory management manages your BOMs, it becomes very easy to order the right components in the right quantities for production.
An inventory management process auto-fills the purchase orders right from your BOMs. This allows you to nest multiple levels of BOMs for more assembled products. Apart from that, you can record the value of any production waste as well.

Serial Number Tracking

Similar to the batch tracking feature, serial number tracking has its unique identifiers. This feature allows you to have the serial number for tracking if you have high-value components. Serial Number Tracking also helps in after-sales service so you can offer a unique experience to your customers.

Batch Tracking

The right inventory management should offer a batch of inventory tracking feature. Batch tracking keeps you on top of the stock batches through which you can easily monitor the expiry dates, stock, condition of the goods and more before they lose their important feature for manufacturers who require robust traceability systems if they want to recall the status of their products.


Harness the power of the right inventory management process with TYASuite and increase profitability, improve operational efficiency and reduce costs at the same time. Our Cloud ERP suite automates your inventory management processes and saves time so you can focus more on growth and marketing. 

Get all this while having complete visibility into your stock movements and sales data to spot more growth opportunities. Contact Us today and mitigate your stock issues even before they arise!

Oct 05, 2022 | 9 min read | views 533 Read More


Top 10 Common Procurement Challenges and How to Solve Them


In today's business, procurement systems are progressively seeing as vital strategic contributors to their value plan and matching end-user goals. A reliable procurement system is one created to improve accuracy, efficiency, and speed. Because of this view observed by many, the need to standardize business processes within procurement process and ensure best practices becomes very important to the overall business Lan. But despite all the security measures taken in creating a standardized business strategy, sourcing issues still arise. Procurement challenges, ranging from organizational inadequacies to human error, can in turn have an adverse impact on a company's sourcing and purchasing ability. Here are some common challenges in procurement and solutions, courtesy of industry experts.

Top 10 Procurement Challenges and their Solution

Challenges faced in procurement process

The following are the top ten procurement challenges that Businesses face and need to mitigate –

  • Reduction in Quality to Reduce Costs

In today's business world, cost is still a very important factor when it comes to consumer products. This is especially true when it comes to products that are seen as luxury items, like cars and clothing. We see businesses continuing to cut costs even though this has detrimental effects on the quality of their products. In many cases, the quality dimension is altered in order to save money and management has high expectations that the quality risk will not be detected.

Solution: To solve procurement challenges, businesses need to realise their profit margins and create better funnelling of customer and consumer feedbacks in order to create sustainable business practices and exclude cost cutting and quality degradation.

  • Lack of Clarity in Specifications and Requirements 

Providing vague specifications and requirements when procuring doesn't always work and fits the "help me" scenario. If an organization has clear and defined requirements for what it wants from its suppliers, the supplier usually can provide a much better job of fulfilling those requirements.

Solution: A procurement management software can allow businesses to create flexible requirement data sets that can be easily shared with suppliers for better clarity.

  • Lack of Formidable Assessment of the Supplier before the Initiation of Business

Organizations often ignore supplier evaluation and stick to what suppliers promise on paper. Keeping suppliers at arm's length without any form of assessment can leave room for irregularities and untrustworthy experiences. A lack of trust can cause procurement challenges between the parties involved in a deal.

Solution: Before choosing a provider, do careful supplier evaluation criteria and/or assessment. After being chosen, aggressively include key suppliers in problem-solving procedures. Positive results for general growth follow from it. Consider your supplier to be strategic partners in business.

  • Having a lack of considerable knowledge about the Supplier Capabilities 

Lack of knowledge of supplier capabilities will almost certainly result in dissatisfaction when potential procurement challenges occur. When a supplier is expected to finish a procurement process quickly beyond his means, the results are typically devastating. When it comes to suppliers, this procurement issue is one of the most difficult ones that experts in procurement face. In order to get more from your suppliers, the process—from choosing the finest to guaranteeing consistent and high-quality delivery—can be quite important.

Solution: To guarantee that all delivery requirements and standards are followed, procurement specialists must continuously monitor suppliers in addition to the conventional procurement process. With deadlines in place and quality agreed upon, begin with progressive increase. In other words, do routine supply reviews, talk about important performance KPIs, and come to an agreement on improvement and action plans.

  • Lack of Agreement on Significant Key Performance Indices 

Implementing best practise procurement requires the use of crucial KPIs. Supply chain best practises utilise five crucial elements (variation, variety, velocity, visibility, and volume). Many procurement specialists are unaware of the need of asking challenging questions about the contributions a new supplier makes to the equation. Although they can be useful, factors like purchase price fluctuation, percentage cost reduction, timely delivery, etc., are insufficient. Furthermore, these activities frequently clash with important strategic ones that have long-lasting effects.

Solution: KPIs should be the principal topic on the agenda for routine supply reviews after they have been agreed upon. A procurement system that delivers a balance between cost, customer value, quality, and speed should be used by the management system.

  • Lack of Supplier Business Trust

Such businesses typically retain suppliers at arm's length in situations where there is zero trust for a provider. The approach is similarly comparable to having little confidence. Some people may not take well to the display of mistrust toward suppliers, and this might result in a number of challenges in procurement. But even so, put your own security first and exercise caution.

Solution: It is important to identify trustworthy suppliers who can form long term association with the business and can operate as partners rather than procurement channels alone.

  • Lack of Business Supplier Transparency

Organizations' tendency to suppress important information leads to procurement challenges that prevent suppliers from giving customers value-packed products. Critical data, such as market trends, product updates, and sales projections, might lead to unpleasant shocks that could damage your supplier relationships.

Solution: As much as businesses need to be clear about their requirements, suppliers are expected to be clear about their capabilities to reduce and eliminate gaps in promise and delivery. Transparency is the key to achieve that.

  • Lack of Formal Contract in the Business Proceedings

More than 40% of vendors on a company's supplier list do not have a formal contract. Legal documents and  contracts may be difficult and time-consuming to draught and alter. When there are frequent requests (for expressions of interest, proposals, quotes, etc.) and managing them takes time, challenges in procurement management may occur. Such processes must be followed in a straightforward, equitable, and comprehensive manner. Avoiding them could lead to greater procurement challenges, even though it calls for good work from the procurement teams.

Solution: Before setting out into any sort of association the establishment of a formally and legally binding partnership of association contract must be mandated within the business to ensure legally binding promise and delivery.

  • Inflexibi lity of Suppliers

A number of procurement choices are made in conjunction with the company risk management plan. Low expenses, for example, better represent the outcome of business activities. However, some suppliers could not offer savings or continue to include certain levies. With your suppliers, you should frequently find opportunity for bargaining as a knowledgeable procurement specialist.

Solution: See what negotiation possibilities, such as discounts, may be advantageous to your company before choosing a supplier. Keep doing business with suppliers that understand and respect your goal of maximising performance to avoid procurement challenges.

  • Lack of the Access to Accurate Data

The possibility for excess inventory, inventory shortages, and various additional procurement challenges with the ability to negatively impact your organization's bottom line might result from creating purchase orders based on inaccurate procurement data.

Solution: Establishing accurate data sets and data driven analysis and business parameters should be the industry standard.

With the right cloud procurement software, you will stay on top of procurement challenges and make better-informed business decisions that empower your organization to lower operating costs while reducing administrative burden related to procurement and management


The above enumeration concludes the top ten procurement challenges and how organisations can navigate them professionally.

TYASuite cloud-based software is been designed With the new technology trends and advancements which can help you come up with the challenges faced and make your business organised.

Sep 13, 2022 | 9 min read | views 1842 Read More


Top 8 Procurement Tools Helpful For Your Modern Business

Before the development of e-procurement software, the company's procurement was usually handled on paper. Earlier it was riddled with many inefficiencies and very time-consuming. As the usage of the internet grows, procurement tool functions were transferred to websites and emails. With the advancement in technology, companies have preferred using procured technologies and to buy these tools that will help them with the automated process and increase their profit margins. Also, the technology aids help in improving transparency, transaction visibility, reliability and is cost-effective across the supply chain.

In 2020, the procurement tool vendors have nearly 5.6% of the global procurement applications market which declines to 2,8% which comes to around $4.45 billion for license, subscription, and maintenance revenues.
The procurement tool applications are designed to purchase materials, whether direct or indirect, processed or raw or completed, which has resulted in the flow of product supply chain for a specific business process or with the support of performing service or services.

The other function in the applications includes electronic network, sourcing, contract management, and ratings that help to optimize the supplier relationship management. The procurement applications help to represent the major contributor to enterprise resource planning as an important part to exercise the market size.    

What does procurement tools do?

Top procurement tools enable businesses to manage and streamline their spending, which in turn increases overall cost savings for the business.

Procurement tools are a crucial component of any modern business, since they help organizations cut costs while improving efficiency and productivity. Here are some examples of how procurement tools can benefit your organization:

  1. Improves efficiency - By automating processes and reducing manual work, procurement software solution helps save time and increase productivity for all types of employees across an organization. In addition, it also improves employee retention by reducing errors and providing a better customer experience.
  2. Eliminates waste - Cloud Procurement software helps eliminate unnecessary expenses through real-time tracking of orders, inventory levels, and suppliers' performance against their contracts with the business. This means that no matter who is filling out paperwork or what stage of the process is being automated, it's all happening with one click from a single screen!
  3. Improve supply chain visibility - With a procurement management tool, you’ll have better visibility into your supply chain so that you can make informed decisions about what products to buy or where to source them from. You’ll know exactly where each item is being sourced from, which means that you can cut down on unnecessary middlemen fees and pass those savings onto your customers!
  4. Eliminate manual spend analysis - With a procurement management tool, you can eliminate manual spend analysis as well as other manual tasks that take up your time and resources. This will save you time and money in the long run.

The Top 8 Procurement Tools:

  1. Precoro: The Precoro, ground control purchasing tools that help to easily create custom purchase orders, track approvals of managers and assign each payment with the correct budget.
    The procurement tools offers features like order creation, delivery, quick data analysis, billing, approved workflows, vendor management, etc. The templates can be used to keep things simple and users can add extra fields in the procurement forms that contain important information.
  2. Kissflow Procurement Cloud: It is a flexible procure–to–pay solution that help all size of businesses to streamline their procurement process. With this tool, the company can streamline its procurement strategy and boost productivity. With this unified platform, users can get the benefits of procurement, AP automation, punchout clouds, management, supplier portals, custom integrations, inventory management, and more.
  3. TYASuite: This procurement tool is mostly designed for medium and small-sized enterprises. This tool helps to improve and enhance the growth-related need of a company. It’s a user-centric platform that helps in providing accuracy over the cross-departmental operations. TYASuite streamlined approach to procurement management helps buyers, procurement and finance teams in companies reduce the time spent on paperwork and streamline processes. Such benefits include significant cost savings through increased visibility of spending, annual savings through reduced delays and errors, and corporate social responsibility benefits that arise when the correct amount is paid by the correct people at the right time in accordance with policy. 
  4. Planergy- It is a spend management platform that focuses on making the payment process more and more easier for everyone, and with planergy you can enjoy those benefits with purchase orders. 
    You can create departmental budgets and set the limit for spending, purchases, and pre-approved vendors and you can also set direct instruments during the time of purchase.
  5. Veeqo: It is designed for a specific form of business. As a retailer business follows tougher procurement and purchasing needs as compared to other businesses. They constantly order and re-order stocks and make a quick turnaround and larger margins. Therefore the retail brand uses Veego to handle this inventory. 
    The procurement management tool help with purchasing, inventory forecasting, and managing orders that ensure the customers always receive what they need on time.
  6. Coupa Procurement: It is a business spend management tool that have helped most companies globally to get more visibility and control the overall spending to improve operational efficiency, and financial risk, reduce the involvement of the third party and increase the bottom line. It has helped many companies to get more value.
  7. SAPAriba: It is a cloud-based procurement tool, that tracks the amount spend and a supply chain management solution for the buyers within a single platform. It’s all in one integrated framework that helps to manage anything from sourcing to the payment process. With SAP Ariba you can digitally transform the supply chain, contract management process, and sourcing.
  8. GateKeeper: With Gatekeeper you can easily control the relationships between the employee and its company and the external suppliers. The procurement management tool has two different platforms- the vendor portal and the employee portal. It serves the goal to digitize and automate a wide range of process that was traditionally done by following the manual process. The gatekeeper tool also provides you with customizable workflows and ready-to-use templates for a better possibility.


Whether you are owning an e-commerce business or has huge stock turnover, a tech company has to handle many invoices from all the suppliers or a company that needs help with the payment process, so to help you sort out these issue, one of these procurement management tools is all you need.
So without wasting more time and efforts on the manual process of procurements you need to get these tools. These are some of the industry’s best procurement solution tools that are used by several top companies and they have achieved huge success through it.   


Aug 23, 2022 | 7 min read | views 645 Read More


What is The Key Difference Between Procurement vs. Purchase

You may have seen people use procurement and purchase interchangeably. As both terms are used frequently in organizations while buying goods and services, many often mistake these terms. Some are very ignorant about these terms and don't even care what terms they use during formal conversation.

If you dive into the seas of technical terms and organizational language, you will realize that the terms are different and must be used appropriately for official conversations. Why does the distinction matter? Because it lets the management execute these functions and increase the value they offer to the company. And if there's a mixup or misunderstanding, it will affect the entire team and process.

Several organizations use procurement software tools such as TYASuite for the automation of these processes. And it helps the organization to function efficiently.

Now, How do you differentiate between procurement and purchase?

To differentiate these terms, you need to understand the definition of procurement and purchase these terms. Then, you can understand how and where the difference arises.

Before the definitions, let’s take a quick look at the process involved in both. The flow chart of the procurement vs purchase process will make it easier for you to understand the differences and similarities.

Procurement process

1. Identify needs

2. Research and source supplier

3. Create supplier list

4. Issue RFQ

5. Evaluate supplier quotes

6. Negotiate contracts

7. Receive product/service

8. Performance check

9. Analyze KPIs and margins

10. Builder supplier relationship

Purchase process

1. Receive purchase requisition

2. Evaluate receive RFQ

3. Create purchase orders

4. Receive product/service

5. QA of product/service

6. Process payment to supplier



In short, you can define procurement as, "a series of processes that are executed to acquire goods and services for a firm."

Procurement is actually an umbrella term with a subset of processes that help fulfill the requirements of goods and services of a firm. Each firm has a unique procurement process, but, a common framework of the method can be listed below:

  • Recognizing business requirements and raise PR
  • Identifying, analyzing, and selecting relevant suppliers
  • Negotiating contracts with chosen suppliers
  • Create PO
  • Quality checking of goods
  • Invoicing and starting off payments to the suppliers


The term refers to the set of procedures related to the execution of transactions between a firm and its suppliers to buy goods and services.

Purchasing is a subset of procurement, and it begins and ends with placing and receiving an order.

These definitions are enough to understand the meaning and the correct usage of the terms.

Now, let's look at the key differences between procurement and purchase.

Strategic vs tactical

If you read the definitions carefully, you will understand that procurement is a strategic function, whereas purchasing is tactical. Purchasing starts and ends with the pacing of the order and receiving (it), whereas, procurement begins when there is a requirement of gods or services. Procurement involves aspects such as finding the right supplier, analyzing the pricing, supply chain, etc.

Goals or targets

Purchase is totally focused on the cost of the orders, and procurement focuses on the creation of value and TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). Purchasing is concerned with the minimization of cost and procurement aims to mitigate risk, cost savings, relationship with suppliers, etc.

Supplier relationship

Purchasing process doesn't have anything to do with the supplier relationship. However, procurement places high importance on building long-term and cooperative relationships with the main suppliers. The procurement process considers the suppliers as strategic partners.

Evaluation of risk and mitigation

Mitigation of risk is not needed in the purchasing process. The risks are of various kinds such as operational risk, data security risk, financial risk, etc. Only the procurement process is concerned with identifying these risks and analyzing which ones impact the business and stakeholders.

The next important question is when to use these terms or when do companies use procurement vs purchase processes?

There are various factors that decide the usage of these methods of acquiring goods and services, they are:


If the requirement is immediate, firms purchase the goods and services. Procurement usually takes longer to happen as it involves steps like a request for proposal creation, supplier selection, and negotiation of the contract.


Procurement is the best form of acquiring goods and services in huge quantities for a longer period.


If the firm needs to customize some products or goods, procurement is the best route as the firm can work with vendors to make sure they understand your requirements


Purchase of services is cheaper than procurement services. It also depends on the conditions


Purchasing is simple and vendors like it, because nobody wants to go along with the long process of procurement.

Now that the difference between procurement and purchase is clear, let's look at how firms automate both processes.

As mentioned earlier, procurement is a process of searching and agreeing to the terms of purchase. It involves identifying potential suppliers, negotiating contracts, and selecting the supplier that provides the best value for money. And purchasing is the process of direct buying of goods and services.

For making the process automated, firms use eProcurement tools, such as TYASuite. You can check the Request for Quotation, issues in orders, and track deliveries. eProcurement can help streamline and automate your procurement and purchasing process.


In short, people look at procurement and purchase as interchangeable terms, and the terms comes into the picture when there's a requirement for goods and services. Proper understanding of these terms is necessary to do business, and every employee of the organization must understand the difference between these terms.

A thorough understanding of these terms will help one converse with your colleagues, clients, customers, business partners, and recruiters. And a lack of knowledge about procurement vs purchase will lead to complications and related issues.

Aug 01, 2022 | 7 min read | views 633 Read More