
Uncovering Procurement Excellence

A definitive to solve your procurement issues






Top Tips For MSMEs to survive and thrive after Covid-19

India had initially declared a nationwide 21-day lockdown to counter the spread of the CoVid-19 pandemic. To curtail it further, India brought Lockdown 2.0! Many people around the world are commending this as a great step against the spread of the virus. While this may be true, it is also true that the implementation of the lockdown has left much to be wanted, and one of the biggest victims has been the Indian economy. All businesses, from MSMEs to industry giants, are now at a loss as to how to survive the business downturn. Business owners must now take drastic steps, or they simply will not make it through this.

Many analysts are convinced that the overall global losses are in danger of surpassing the combined losses during WWI and WWII! The National Statistical Office (NSO) calculated that the current job-market was at its worst, and unemployment had peaked to the max in 45 years.Barclays has theorized that the lockdown could bring the country’s growth down to 2.5% from the earlier estimate of 4.5%.

Here’s a more detailed look at the situation, sector-wise, of India’s industrial health –

1. Manufacturing Sector – Most of India’s major manufacturing companies have entirely shut down their operations or significantly reduced them – including Tata Motors, Aditya Birla Group, Larsen and Toubro, UltraTech Cement, Thermax, Grasim Industries and Bharat Forge.

Manufacturers such as Dabur India, ITC and Hindustan Unilever have also closed all factories not directly related to essential products.

2. Essential Goods and Services – The essential service industry, including food, healthcare, power and communications, though least affected, have also recorded all-time lows due to the massive disruption in the supply chain.

3. Services Industry – The services industry is also among the worst victims of the lockdown, with the logistics sector taking the brunt. Even the e-commerce sector, expected to be the least affected, has been brought down to its knees by the lack of logistics and transport facilities. E-commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart have all closed their operations barring only essential consumables. Industries like Travel and tourism, Hospitality and Restaurant etc are the worst hit and may take years to bounce back.

There is a global reaction of maintaining normalcy, as much as is possible, through the implementation of work-from-home options, automation and cloud -based technology to deal with the situation.

To figure out how to survive the corona aftermath, the most easily estimated steps that the Indian industries will probably follow once the lockdown has ended are –

1. Generalized Cost-reduction – most sectors of industry have already begun to experience the general tendency of cost-reduction during the lockdown. Global downsizing will increase and motivate Indian business-owners to lay off all employees that aren’t critically essential to the survival of their businesses.

2. Increases in automation – while dealing with a reduced staff, most companies are going try increasing the amount of automation in their business processes. All functions that can possibly be automated without high investment will be done so with great haste. Cloud ERP and other Cloud business Software like E-Procurement software (cloud procurement to pay software), Project Management Software, Inventory Management Software, cloud Compliance Management Software etc. will be in great demand. It will become essential for survival. Till the time there is a cure for Covid-19, business will never want to take risks again and will plan to move for cloud platforms.

3. Prioritize their products and clients – companies are going to have to focus on their strengths, and may remove products from the market, prioritizing their most demanded and profitable products and clientele with only the more revenue creating ones kept in the books. It is very critical to monitor your projects, clients and products profitability and remove non-profitable products/clients and projects at the earliest. Project Management software can help you seamlessly track the profitability of your customers and projects.

4. Reform business strategy – According to a recent set of recommendations by KPMG[1], companies will have to assess their short term liquidity to meet operational payments, make necessary adjustments to their capital structures, defer non-essential capex and explore potential disposal of non-core assets to make balance sheets lean.

This is when the industry must find the key solutions towards their survival post the lockdown. Since downsizing will mostly become the easiest way to cut back on company expenditure, affordable automation of business processes must be ensured. Fortunately, the modern market is full of opportunities for small businesses to automate their process.

We at TYASuite have a product range that has been automating business process and helping companies reduce their costs while increasing their profitability for many years now, and we believe that we can be a big part of the solution that MSMEs will need to survive the post-lockdown crisis.With the TYASuite Plug and Play Business Software product, you can:

1. Streamline and automate your procurement function: Our Procurement to Pay Software is designed to automate your procurement process seamlessly. With guaranteed reduction in operation time and cost of your procurement function and accounting function by more than 80%. TYASuite E-Procurement software can be your savior in this difficult time.

2. Optimize your Finance function – Make your finance function efficient with our Plug and play finance automation tools, such as Automated Accounting Software, Automated FAR Software (Fixed Assets Register) , Expense and Time management software, and reporting tools. Once you automate your finance function, you can rest easy and let the software do the work while you supervise and analyze the data we provide. Our automated TDS and GST tools are the best in the industry to ensure that your managers can spend more time on non-routine analysis work.

3. GST Related Compliances - With our Multi-location-GST function, your finance team can automate all GST related filings with a click. If you are a multi-location company and still using traditional accounting software with single GST location, it is high time for you switch to our Multi-location GST Software and reduce your team hours significantly. With our Multi-location GST Software, your team can seamlessly raise multi-location Sales Invoices and file multi-state GST returns with a click, and enjoy many more time saving functionalities.

4. Customer and Project Profitability - Our Project Management Software will make it easy for you to manage your projects digitally, and help your employees fulfill their functions remotely. Set tasks, manage priorities, track project progress, meet deadlines and collaborate with the entire workforce in real-time from the comfort of your computer or smartphones. Further, the Project Management software will help you to monitor client profitability and project profitability with a click helping you to take timely decisions and plug your cash burn.

5. Inventory Management - Our Inventory management software will ensure streamlined inventory holding costs, helping you identify your slow-moving inventory and re-use or liquidate the slow-moving items quickly. Further, with real time inventory and sales report at your fingertips, you can reduce your overall inventory cost and improve your profitability.

6. Compliance Management - When the world is looking for cost savings and survival, it would be dangerous to lose money due to non-compliances. As a CFO or founder, our Compliance Management Software will make it easy for you to make sure that your company does not violate any of the applicable regulations and you can monitor and manage all compliances with a single click. It is a must have tool for working in a multi-location environment.

In the times to come, it is imperative to ensure that the MSMEs of India stay afloat, as they are the ones at the greatest risk of insolvency and imminent bankruptcy. While the government is making many promises to help them in as many ways as they can, the onus is on the companies themselves to adapt and transform in the required ways to handle the onslaught of post CoVid problems they have never prepared for. The only way to have a fighting chance is to turn to digital technology, and make sure that the companies, and the people who are in it, stay safe, healthy and protected.

To help MSMEs, TYASuite is helping companies to adopt these must have technologies for MSMEs at an affordable price. Avail a Special extended No-obligation Free Demo for all of our product ranges during this global economic crisis.

As an Indian Company, TYASuite is committed to help Indian MSMEs in surviving the CoVid Epidemic and consequent financial crisis.

[1] - https://home.kpmg/in/en/home/insights/2020/04/navigating-the-covid-19-crisis.html
Apr 27, 2020| 8 min read| views 1301 Read More



Ravi Kant

ICAI Guidelines on Covid 19 Fallout For CFOs and Auditors

Apr 24, 2020 | 7 min read | views 3430 Read More

Deepak Kumar Daga

New TDS Rate Chart for the Financial year 2020-21

Apr 15, 2020 | 8 min read | views 35571 Read More


A Simple Guide to eProcurement Software 2020

Apr 10, 2020 | 6 min read | views 1067 Read More

Vikas Mandawewala

Equalization Levy: Essential For All Companies In India

Apr 03, 2020 | 4 min read | views 1408 Read More

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Cloud Procurement Software

Procurement Software provides your procurement function with technological innovation that is both convenient and affordable. Companies and organizations are getting more interested to streamline their business through automation and looking for an implementation of better cloud ERP platforms. The field of procurement has commonly faced difficulties of getting up to time with technology and organizational issues. The frequently asked questions in gaining knowledge of acquiring right cloud Procurement Software. 

What is Procurement? Why it's So Important in Business

In general the process of agreeing to terms, acquiring goods via competitive bid or tendering process. It includes identifying requirements, authorizing and approving purchase request, supplier identification, make inquiries and require quotations by negotiating terms, vendor selection, creating PO, creating good receipt, purchase order generation, shipping, invoicing and finally making payments.

For better understanding, the process is very vital to get visibility and control over the complete company procurement process. Because an organization may spend up well more than revenue on goods and services. While lack of strategy may sink organizations financially. If organizations can?t control the process, can?t see the visibility on money spending and how to reduce the cost. 

What is Procurement Software or e-procurement Software?

E-procurement or procurement software is also identified as a platform or service for B2B, B2C, and B2G by ERP providers focusing on vendors. In simple words the process of obtaining goods and services through the internet. 

Traditional procurement involves physical paper-based tracking on daily operations. 

An E-Procurement platform that helps streamline the business process by eliminating the manual paperwork, saving time and resources and better control over spending.

What is the major difference between manual Bookkeeping accounting vs. E-Procurement?

The manual Bookkeeping accounting process will be done by filling out requisitions to payments collections manually, the time frame to deliver roughly 5 to 7 working days.

The E-Procurement solutions come with the streamlined process and reducing the transaction time. Automation helps in real-time communication to buyers the availability of quantities and makes an instant decision for an activity. Wide range of solutions can be used with ease to manage the finance, taxes, shipping regulations and global operations. 

E-Procurement software can give the first steps towards productiveness and allow greater scalability to grow for sellers and buyers act a single unified system. Hence business grows exponentially as per today market. 

What are the benefits of moving from traditional accounting to cloud procurement software?

The latest trend in accounting is Cloud Technology; however, the transition isn?t easy to move from traditional accounting (On-premise) software to Procurement Cloud. But organizations should take big opportunity to step up to move and it involves a change in culture and attitude. Traditional accounting software comes with infrastructure costs as well as maintenance costs. On the other hand, license fees or upfront costs needed at large.

The SaaS software model (Cloud) offers the flexibility and collaboration synonymous with the cloud. To access financial data from anywhere at any time and make an invoice, payment approvals or important approvals can be done by simply login to your account from desktop, smartphone or a laptop.

Cloud technologies are expected to make accounting applications easily accessible, less expensive and time-saving. Organizations can leverage the cloud to enable a new segment of business insight to understand the change need their business? performance.

Moreover, cloud technology gives the benefit of the administrative process and human dependency which gives them the edge over the new level of a highly satisfactory level of service.

According to the Microsoft survey, some of the main benefits of deploying cloud computing in the organization were discovered to be improved productivity and cost-efficiency.

Difference between Traditional vs. Cloud, Which you should choose?

Traditional Procurement Software comes with initial infrastructure costs as well as maintenance costs of on-site software and hardware. 

Today?s world, Cloud has become an essential business technology services. There is no similarity with on-premise software. Cloud Procurement software is hosted and maintained on secured servers accessed via the internet from a web browser anytime anywhere.

Traditional software, users are limited by a big upfront fee. Another hand, Cloud software is free of upfront costs, big cloud companies offer pay as you use model.

Cloud Procurement software seamlessly integrated with accounting core features such as project budgeting, complete automation of manual functions, Important Real-Time updates, financial forecasting, Reports and financial insights, Management of Cash flow, Accounts payment & receivable and business intelligence.

Cloud solutions come with flexibility. Financial teams can use cloud procurement to retrieve real-time data to ensure efficient organizational tool for your company

Cloud solutions are typically cost-effective models and boast security advantages as every solution provides its security solutions such as authentication and encryption.

What to look out in Best Cloud ERP Software?

As we all know by now ?The cloud is the future?

Choosing a one right cloud ERP software provider for your business there are some key elements to assess:

  1. Software Reliability: Make sure, your data is backing up time to time and able to access from any location and any device.
  2. Simplicity: Ableto analyze the effect of the accounting numbers, to make business financial decisions that benefit your organization. 
  3. Security: The financial information requires extreme protections and it is exclusively private. 

Above all, the seamlessness and productivity of the cloud compared to traditional software which impossible to deny.

How Plug and Play Cloud ERP Transformed Procurement system?

Companies utilise the procurement platform to both sell and buy the goods around the world are changing from Large Complex ERP solutions to in favor of User-ready platforms such as Plug and Play ERP solutions and far efficient that the Complex ERP solutions.

As business advance continue to evolve, The Plug and Play Cloud ERP solutions play an essential role in advanced automation, cost-effective solutions, a business will spend less on complex systems, access to more options to improve communication in the supply chain.

Let?s take a closer look at key benefits of Plug and Play Cloud ERP Solutions  

  1. The latest trend of new developments is app-driven with simple interfaces
  2. Business owners need not worry about the budget and it requires little to no maintenance 
  3. The end to end implementation will be done in days not months 
  4. Seamlessly integrated between different systems 
  5. The Plug and Play built-in features are a worry-free nowadays to manage the Spend Analysis. RFQ. Reverse Auction, PO, Invoice Automation. Contract Management with a single unified system 

Hence, Different types of procurement systems to communicate more efficiently using Plug and Play cloud connectivity and increase, sharing, data visibility and compliance.

What are the future insights of cloud computing and their advancements?

According to finding and insights from  Logic Monitors Survey, 83% of enterprise workloads in the cloud by the end of 2020. 

The survey also highlights the breakdown by end of 2020,  

  1. 41% of enterprises run on public cloud platforms (Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, IBM clod, Microsft Azure and others)
  2. 20% are forecast to be in the private cloud
  3. 22% running on hybrid cloud platforms 
  4. On-premised forecast to shrink 10% by end of 2020 

With the increase in demand for superior cloud solutions, the need to shift from the traditional to modern business approach is the pivot of the digital business world. Digital transformation is a pioneering way to meet the needs of current customers and to bring in a digital revolution in the company. More technologies are being developed to advance and make cloud solutions cheaper.

The journey is necessary, there?s no disagreeing that technology has brought ground-breaking changes in this era but who would have thought about moving to the clouds.

"Streamlining advance Innovation through the Cloud"

Be it an e-commerce industry or the health sector; The cloud computing innovation is providing better ways to deliver better services to the customers, The cutting-edge technology and advanced solutions in the public cloud market is rapidly growing and shifting the way of quicker interconnect and low-cost software.

We have also written a blog on Procurement to Pay Software for Today's Business Leaders, which you will find it useful.

Mar 27, 2020 | 7 min read | views 869 Read More


Join the Work From Home Movement and Save The Country

Free Work From Home Software: An Initiative to give back to Society

Coronavirus Epidemic: The Current Situation

Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak is a human catastrophe and has continued to disrupt financial markets and global supply chains, the overall impact on global businesses and economic growth. Its blowout has left many businesses around the world with counting costs. 

Looking at the trends in many countries over the last 2 months, India is on the verge of touching Stage 3 of this Epidemic. In this time of urgency, it is the joint responsibility of all 130 Crore plus citizens of India to fight this together and come out of it as a winner. This Epidemic is at such scale that individually, we cannot do any justice in this fight but if we are together, we can fight this easily. 

As requested by Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra D Modi Ji on March 19, 2020, in an address to the Nation, we all need to give few weeks of our time to fight this Coronavirus situation.

Few suggestions on how we can jointly fight against this Coronavirus Epidemic:

1)Choose to Stay Home and Work From Home for the next few weeks 

2)If you are a business owner, please allow your team to work from home

3)If you are a manager, please talk to your leaders and enforce work from home 

4)Talk to at least 10 or more people every day and motivate them to Work From Home 

5)Ensure your family members including kids and elderlyStay at Home

6)Maintain social distancing at least 1 meter (3 feet) between yourself and anyone in case you have to step out for urgencies 

If we all jointly take a Pledge to “Work from Home”, we can break the chain of Coronavirus Epidemic.

You can get real-time updates on Corona Situation in India by clicking https://www.mohfw.gov.in/

Free Tools available for Work from Home

To ensure the business can run with minimal disruption and Maximize Your Productivity and Your team’s Productivity you can use some of the free tools and software available in the market. 

Below is the list of free tools available which can help work from home:

1) Zoom Meetings: Provide unlimited free one to one video calls and team collaboration. Also, provide 40 minutes team collaboration for up to 100 team members for free. You can disconnect after 40 minutes and connect again to take the continued benefit

2) TYASuite is offering its Project Management Tool (PMT) to all Indian Companies Free of cost for the next 3 months. This offer can be extended further is required. The free tool will include all Enterprise version features including but not limited to below features. 

a. Task Creation and allocation

b. Document sharing among team members

c. Android Mobile app to create, manage and assign task

d. Define Timelines and costs etc.

e. Timesheet sheet Management of teams working from home at Task level 

f. Expense management and reimbursement of the team 

The access is extended for Unlimited Projects, Unlimited Tasks, Unlimited employees - All free of cost. This also includes not only the software cost but also up to 10 Hours of Set-up and training assistance to ensure you can get the maximum benefit out of it. 

3) TYASuite is offering its Invoice Approval platform to all Indian Companies Free of cost for the next 3 months. This offer can be extended further is required. The free tool will include all Enterprise version features including but not limited to below features. 

a. Upload Invoice through Mobile application/Cloud-based Web Application

b. Approve Invoices through Mobile/Email/Web application

c. Multi-Layer approvals

d. Make payments of only approved Invoices

e. Unlimited attachments upload 

The free offer is extended for Unlimited Invoices, Unlimited employees- All free of cost 

4) TYASuite is offering its E-Procurement Platform to all Indian Companies Free of cost for the next 3 months. This offer can be extended further is required. The free tool will include all Enterprise version features including but not limited to below features. 

a. The planning team can raise product requirements from their home

b. All product requirements can be consolidated with a click from Managers Home

c. Procurement Team can raise PO to vendors

d. Managers can approve POs through email/web applications

e. Vendors can receive the Approved POs on emails

f. A team can receive the goods and record GRN in the system (this may require the physical presence of employees at receiving locations)

g. Vendor invoices can be uploaded into System from remote locations

h. All approvers can approve the invoices from their home i. Finance can upload bank payment files for payments

TYASuite Platform can support the business to easily manage employees “Work from Home”. 

The free offer is extended for Unlimited Users- All free of cost

5) Google Hangouts: Google has announced the free version of the Enterprise version of their tool

6) Cisco is offering the free version of its WebEx service with no time restrictions.

There are much more software which can be used Free of Cost to enable “Work from Home”

Join the “Work From Home Movement” and Share with your colleagues and friends and ask them to join the movement and break the Corona Epidemic Chain. Save Yourself, Save the Country, Save the world.

Mar 20, 2020 | 5 min read | views 730 Read More


Procurement to Pay Software for Today's Business Leaders

Understanding the term “Procurement to Pay Process” 

Procurement to Pay (P2P) also called “Procure to Pay process” is a term used to define a business process and not a software or a technology in itself. P2P summarizes various steps involved in the Procurement process of any business. 

Steps included in Procurement to Pay Process across industry

1. Requirement Generation 

2. Requirement consolidation 

3. Vendor Evaluation 

4. Purchase Order Generation 

5. Receiving Goods or services 

6. Recording of Invoicing  

7. Payment

The above steps can be executed manually or through a well-designed software. The use of software in the procurement process started as early as in the 1990s. Over the last 30 years, technology has traveled from being a luxury to a necessity and from becoming unaffordable to affordable. 

However, today also business owners are not comfortable with implementing ERP software due to their implementation complexity. If one has to compare the adaptability of software, plug and play software will always give very high-level comfort as compared to complex software’s which takes months to implement and go live. The push back on ERP implementation comes primarily due to 4 factors:

  1. Lack of awareness of the cost savings post successful implementation 
  2. Price of ERP Software
  3. Implementation time 
  4. Fear of failure of ERP in your company after implementation 

About TYASuite Procurement to Pay Software

TYASuite Procurement to Pay software that will fit all businesses and Fully customized cloud ERP designed with a customer-centric approach, easy to manage with Play and play features. 

TYASuite is a robust ERP platform that automates the Procurement to Pay Process very effectively and offers reports and insights to gain more control, visibility on account payment.

TYASuite Procurement to Pay (P2P) is a next-generation cloud-based suite that manages all when it comes to your procurement process, from purchasing to vendor payments. The platform helps Businesses (B2B or B2C) streamline to give more control, visibility ensures consistency and accuracy from start to finish. It improves the complete lifecycle. 

Top Benefits of switching to TYASuite Procurement to Pay Software

TYASuite has launched a cloud-based platform to handle many of the industry burning issues. The platform is backed by decades of the business process expertise of its founders and professional team members working across company sizes and industry types. Key problems solved by 

TYASuite P2P Platform is summarized below

1) Automating entire Procurement to Pay Function: 

Entire procurement to payment process of an organization can be automated through this platform. Whether you are an Indian Company worried about complex GST and TDS compliances or outside India Company, the TYASuite platform automates your entire business process and brings huge savings in your operation cost. Unlike existing ERP players in the market, TYASuite modern user-interface is highly user-friendly and doesn’t require any special training. The management can download various reports in a click enhance their decision-making time and get the benefit of real-time business data. 

2) Plug and Play Platform

TYASuite is the pioneer of Plug and Play ERP. Companies can go live with TYASuite Procurement to Pay Platform within a few days. With more than 2000 plug and play features added to the workflow, the business can get started within days. 

3) Price 

TYASuite has ensured that the price of its platform is affordable. Even smaller companies can take advantage of technology within their budget. Industries can save up to 75% as compared to other market players in the ERP Industry.

Companies can take advantage of the TYASuite Unified platform and extend the benefit to other departments /processes like Inventory management, Asset, and warranty management, Project Management, Compliance Management, Finance Modules and many more. 

Streamline your Procurement by automating the entire process

Eliminates manual intervention in performing tasks and business inefficiencies with proactively managing each stage. When the process is automated, it is easier to evaluate the right product from the right supplier at the right price. Improve Operations excellence by Saving the time also its ability to cut down on boring tasks through automation.

Below are the top reasons, which make fall in love with TYASuite P2P Cloud ERP platform

  1. Centralized Cloud ERP 
  2. Top-notch Data security
  3. Manage more efficiently and save money 
  4. Integrate & Automate Functions 
  5. Easy to use, fast, guided experience 
  6. Easy access to records
  7. Bulk Import/Export
  8. Catalog management 
  9. Proactive reporting
  10. Optimize Your Daily Operations.
  11. Improve Cash Flow
  12. Automates Manual Tasks
  13. Business spend control
  14. User controls at every level
  15. Financial Controls through reports
  16. Data Insights

Bottom Line 

Cumbersome processes (on-premises or manual bookkeeping) prevent procurement businesses from growth and unable to add more strategic value. Choosing the right cloud ERP based procurement to pay software needs time and planning that gives you peace of mind and use with confidence. There are multiple procurements to pay software solutions available in the market. But, if you are especially looking to save 50% of existing operation cost within a week and achieve 10X Return of investment (ROI). Then you are in the right place.

Drive into TYASuite Procurement Software and discover what value we can add to your business.

Mar 17, 2020 | 5 min read | views 1149 Read More

Vikas Mandawewala

CARO 2020: Top insights into the changing role of CFO and Auditor

CARO 2020 was introduced on February 25, 2020, and made effective for all the reports to be issued for the financial years commencing on or after April 1st, 2019. 

This publication highlights key takeaways for Auditors, CFO, and other senior management. 

Considering a very short time given for companies to comply with this Order, the implementation of this order is going to be an uphill battle for companies. When the companies have to look back certain policies that never existed in the last 11 months and comply the same in the next 1 month, it is likely that the application for this order may be deferred for few quarters.

The regulators have definitely given a thought for Small business and have exempted CARO 2020 for below private companies including certain specific categories of the company like banking, insurance, section 8 companies, and one person company:  

  1. Private companies excluding holding/subsidiary companies with paid-up capital of less than or equal to Fifty Lakhs Rupees and turnover less than Rupees two crores during previous Financial Year (Both conditions must be satisfied)
  2. Private companies having a paid-up capital and reserves and surplus not more than one crore rupees as on the balance sheet date and which does not have total borrowings exceeding one crore rupees from any bank or financial institution at any point of time during the financial year and which does not have a total revenue as disclosed in Scheduled III to the Companies Act (including revenue from discontinuing operations) higher than ten crore rupees during the financial year as per the financial statements (all three conditions must be satisfied). 
  3. Consolidated Financial statement has also been exempted except certain reporting related to Fraud reporting which must be included by the auditor for consolidated financial statements as well.

Below are in-depth analysis of our expert team related to certain key matters of CARO 2020:

  1. Intangible Assets: Similar to erstwhile reporting on Fixed Assets, the CARO 2020 requires management to maintain complete details about intangible assets. Although the order is currently silent on the details to be maintained, however, it will be expected to maintain details such as Name, in which process /business of the company it is being used, their useful life, cost involved in developing of acquiring and most importantly if the intangible assets are internally generated then how the accounting standard requirements related to capitalization of intangibles are adhered to. This may pose certain challenges to various start-up companies who have been capitalizing on certain intangible assets in their business. Management and auditor both have to be vigilant to ensure that the proper record of capitalization is maintained. Companies may consider adopting certain Project Management Software including an integrated Time Sheet and expense management tool to establish the authenticity of the amount capitalized.
  2. Immovable properties other than leased property: Auditors are required to report if the title deeds of all the immovable properties disclosed in the financial statements are held in the name of the company. This reporting may pose a significant business risk to real estate companies who have been reporting a significant amount of immoveable properties without the title deed in their name or otherwise. The auditors are also required to report whether any proceedings have been initiated or are pending against the company for holding any Benami property under the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988 (45 of 1988). 
  3. Reporting related to working capital loan: If the company has been sanctioned working capital loan in excess of rupee five crores on the basis of security of current assets, auditors will be required to report if various statements submitted by the companies to Bankers agree to their books of account or not. This may increase the work of the auditor who has been focussing on auditing numbers on an annual basis. They need to start focusing on quarterly numbers as well to ensure reporting for this clause. 
  4. Reporting related to loans, advances, and investments:  The auditors are required to report the aggregate amount of transactions during the year related to loans, advances, and investments, etc with group companies and other than group companies. Further, an auditor needs to report in respect of loans and advances in the nature of loans, whether the schedule of repayment of principal and payment of interest has been stipulated and whether the repayments or receipts are regular. In addition to above, certain other critical reporting related to loans and advances are required such as amount overdue, overdue more than 90 days, renewal of loans, granting of fresh loans to repay previous loans, any loan repayable on demand which may ultimately lead to identify potential risk on the balance sheet of the company. This reporting was primarily being asked from Bank Auditors till now and which seems to have extended to the company auditor under CARO 2020. 
  5. Reporting related to a loan taken: The auditors are required to disclosedefault in repayment of such loans and interest thereon or if the amount of loan was diverted for the purpose other than the purpose for which the loan was taken if the loan was taken for the use of group companies etc.
  6. Share issue related compliances: CARO 2020 requires an auditor to report onwhether the company has made any preferential allotment or private placement of shares or convertible debentures (fully, partially or optionally convertible) during the year and if so, whether the requirements of section 42 and section 62 of the Companies Act, 2013 have been complied with and the funds raised have been used for the purposes for which the funds were raised, if not, provide details in respect of amount involved and nature of non-compliance. It is critical to understand various compliances required under section 42 and 62 of the Companies Act, 2013. The Auditor must train themselves properly to be able to report under this clause. 


CARO 2020 reporting is going to be tougher for the auditor as well as companies. On the other hand, it will bring more transparency in the dealings of the companies. 


What else should businesses know about CARO 2020?

Author can be reached at vm@tya.co.in if any specific queries on this topic.

Mar 14, 2020 | 6 min read | views 961 Read More

Vikas Mandawewala

Frequently Asked Questions for GST E-Invoicing

Mandatory Implementation of GST E-invoicing in B2B transactions from April 1, 2020, initiated by the Government of India.

Learn more from Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about new GST E-invoicing in India and how TYASuite E-invoicing software automates your transactions with the GSTN system on a common portal.


1.Can E-Invoice be generated directly at GST Portal?

No, The companies will continue to raise invoices in their existing billing platform. After raising the invoice in their platform, the E-invoice process can start. However, companies can use the TYASuite E-Invoicing platform and manage E-invoicing including normal invoice generation end to end in a single click.


2. Can E-Invoice be cancelled?

Yes, the E-invoice once generated can be cancelled.


3. Can E-Invoice be Partially Changed?

The E-Invoice cannot be changed partially. It has to be fully cancelled and a new invoice to be raised.


4. Can E-Invoice be Amended?

Yes, E-Invoice can be amended. However, this facility is currently not given through the E-Invoice system. Any amendments have to be done directly through GST Portal.


5. Is it mandatory to sign E-Invoice?

No, E-Invoice is not required to be signed by the Company. E-Invoice is already digitally signed by the IRP.


6. Can the company Logo be placed on E-Invoice?

Yes, Company can place its logo on the PDF version of E-Invoice. It is to be noted that E-Invoice which comes from IRP will not have Company Logo. TYASuite E-Invoice Portal can generate E-Invoice with Company Logo and other non-standard terms and help you to directly email the invoices to the Company?s customer.


7. Can we check the status of invoices on a real-time basis?

Yes, Company will be provided will secured login credentials to access to TYASuite?s E-Invoicing Portal and Company can access the portal 24/7.


8. Does Company require to change anything in their current ERP/invoicing system?

E-Invoice system required certain mandatory fields. If those mandatory fields are not there, the same shall be enabled or given in excel manually against each invoice.


9. How can Company generate E-Invoice if my existing system doesn?t support APIs?

The same can be done through excel invoice details.


10. How can I generate QR code on my E-Invoice?

TYASuite platform has inbuilt functionality to print the QR Code on the invoice.


11. Is QR printing on invoices mandatory?

Yes, All E-Invoice must have QR Code.


12. Will E-Invoices be emailed to my customers directly by IRP?

No, the TYASuite platform can perform the same.


13. Are B2B invoices with unregistered customer required to do E-Invoicing?

Currently, the B2B invoice with only valid Customer GST numbers can be generated through E-Invoice. For all other invoices, the existing system can play the role.


14. Can TYASuite platform also help in Automating GST Return Filling?

Yes, if other details are provided to TYASuite, the GST Return can be filled through the platform in one click.


15. Will E-way Bill Auto generated from E-Invoice?

TYASuite's E-Invoice platform has the option to generate E-Way. The info required for the E-Way bill has to be sent along with E-Invoice to generate the E-Way Bill.


16. Will My GST Return be filed automatically after E-Invoice implementation?

No, However, All the data required to file GST return will be auto-populated from the Vendors/Customers who are using the E-Invoice facility. For others, the existing system of uploading the date manually has to be continued.


17. Can Company Sales Team/Finance team receive a copy of the invoice sent to Customers?

Yes, Company central finance/sales email ID can receive a copy of invoices from TYASuite E-Invoicing platform.


18. If the TYASuite E-Invoicing portal is used for sending invoices to customers, whose email Id will be used to send the invoices?

Company?s provided email ID will be used to send invoices to customers.


19. Is E-invoice is mandatory for B2C Invoices?

Currently, there is no option to raise B2C invoices through E-Invoice. However, the turnover of B2C along with all other types of turnover across all GST numbers of the same PAN must be considered to check the E-Invoicing applicability.


I hope that this article will help you to understand the GST E-invoicing and if you have any questions, leave your comments below. For TYASuite E-invoicing software inquiries contact us here.

Mar 07, 2020 | 4 min read | views 2816 Read More


Transform Your Business with an ERP solution

Many businesses today experience tests across areas, counting efficiency and productivity, delivering on client and employee prospects, or handling rising financial or human resource costs. Maybe your business scuffles in one of these areas or all of them…but it doesn’t have to. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a suite of integrated applications which bring together data about the business functions associated to technology, services, and human resources.

An ERP solution can benefit from solving all of these problems and more—and it can totally transform your business. ERP Solution act as a concierge to all of your business resources, data, and information, by continually retrieving and updating information across manifold departments and functions of your businesses in real-time and in one central place.

 Here are a few key ERP business transformation areas you’ll see when you implement an ERP solution:

1. Enhanced Productivity

With the suitable Cloud ERP Software in place, your business can take benefit of flexibility and scalability as it grows and changes with financial ebbs and flows. A Cloud ERP Software gives you the aptitude to add or eliminate applications, functionality, and features with ease and affluence. You can integrate new technology and import and export data when, how, and as you need to. Most prominently, you can do all this without noteworthy lag-time and without time-consuming and error-prone system overhauls.

2. Plug & Play Cloud ERP

Plug & Play Cloud ERP frees up your teams to use their time, talents, and skills to take on work and produce results that they otherwise couldn’t. ERP systems also disregard shared operational issues like manual-entry errors, unintentionally skipping a step in a process, or missing a deadline– all of which create inefficient and significant challenges for your business to overcome. 

3. Driving Better Business Decisions 

Your business is imminent decision-making without complete reports or analytics, you’re probably not able to trail hard data, financials, or other numerical support that demonstrate successes or failures. An ERP system gives you all of the info you need upfront. It’s not only about decision-making. Your ERP decision drivers will let you dig deep into the details, showing you how a particular product is acting, perhaps, or how an exact department or even an exact employee is impacting business costs and income.

Transform Your Enterprise with Best ERP Software

Different enterprises will have dissimilar needs and structure and thus, not a one-size-fits-all system can outfit diverse purposes. Being a customizable firm, you must focus on choosing a gainful solution like a plug and play ERP software that meets your wants and is easily controllable as well. Ideally, some of the ERP decision drivers are easy-to-use, customized, extremely scalable, secure, cloud and adaptive ERP feature


A considerable number of businesses experience extraordinary enhancements in their competence and inclusive productivity with investments on ERP solutions. An ERP system can help eradicate repetition in business processes and monotonous manual tasks, in addition to improving efforts following the execution of an ERP software – which saves employees valued time. This, plus so much more, permits them to focus better on other areas of business operations or processes that need enhancement.

Feb 26, 2020 | 3 min read | views 641 Read More